Autor: Ella Kallai Puncte principale: Schimbările ȋn ponderile coșului de consum au fost inflaționiste după izbucnirea pandemiei, adăugând la inflația totală până la 2 puncte procentuale în 2022, Începând cu mai 2023 schimbarea coșului de consum este benefică procesului dezinflaționist Structura coșului de consum din România diferӑ față de structura coșului din zona euro pentru mai multe categorii de produse, ceea ce ar putea implica un grad mai mare de divergență între inflația autohtonă și cea din zona euro Astfel, există motive de naturӑ structuralӑ pentru ca politica monetară să fie mai conservatoare atât în perioada de întărire cât și […]
Tag: Ella Viktoria Kállai
Co-Founder of CPAG
Inflation Implications of Changing the Consumption Basket Weights in Romania and in the Region
By Ella Kallai Main points: Weights changes of the consumption basket in Romania were inflationary after the outbreak of the pandemic, adding to headline inflation up to 2 percentage points in 2022. From May 2023 onwards, changes in the consumption basket have been beneficial to the disinflationary process The structure of the consumption basket in Romania differs consistently from that in the euro zone and the countries in the region across several product categories. This could imply a greater degree of divergence between domestic inflation and that of the euro zone Thus, there are structural reasons for monetary policy to […]
Romania – The Macroeconomic Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis
In this analysis, Ella Kallai and Laurian Lungu look at the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Romanian economy. The paper starts by highlighting macroeconomic imbalances that existed prior to the crisis. It then assesses the impact on labor markets and economic sectors underscoring the consequences for public finances and country risk. Finally, the analysis addresses the fundamental issue of restarting the economy in the context of the European Green Deal. This analysis was prepared for the Energy Policy Group (EPG) as part of a European Climate Foundation grant. Download the full analysis (EN) Descărcați analiza (RO)
România și aderarea la zona euro: întrebarea este ÎN CE CONDIȚII!
Daniel Dăianu, Ella Viktoria Kállai, Gabriela Mihailovici, Aura Socol,
This study was prepared in 2016 under the coordination of Daniel Dăianu for the European Institute in Romania and looks at the economic prerequisites for joining the Euro zone.
When Should Romania Join the European Banking Union, Sooner or Later?
Laurian Lungu and Ella Kallai
This paper was prepared for the European Institute in Romania in 2015. Laurian and Ella argued following a thorough analysis, that in joining the Banking Union Romania should adopt a wait and see strategy and carefully weigh the pros and cons.
Tax policy under the curse of low revenues: The case of Romania
Ella Viktoria Kállai, Laurian Lungu and Daniel Daianu, 2012
Euro Plus Pact Adoption: Implications for Romanian Fiscal Policy
Daniel Daianu, Laurian Lungu and Ella Kallai, 2012
Poverty Impacts of Romanian Remittances from EU: Effects of Host-Country Migration Policies
by Ella Viktoria Kállai and Mircea Maniu, 2009
Input Efficiency in Publicly Provided Education: The Case of Romania
by Ella Viktoria Kállai and Mircea Maniu, 2008
Public Finance and Growth: Lessons for Romania
Ella Viktoria Kállai, 2008