CPAG co-founder Laurian Lungu was a panel speaker at the “Moy glas u EU” conference organised in Zagreb, Croatia on 24 April 2019. The focus of the panel discussion was the effects of Euro adoption in Croatia. It was an absorbing debate, especially given some existing similarities between the economies of Croatia and Romania, such as a relatively high euroisation rate, the managed float exchange rate regime, the strong trade integration with the Eurozone or the revival of the political will to adopt the euro. Croatia has taken large strides towards adopting the euro. Among the six remaining EU countries […]
Beyond the Maastricht Criteria – Romania Country Study
This research was prepared for the Friedrich Erbert Stiftung in 2017 and focuses on the political and economic setting of Euro adoption in Romania.
Represiunea financiară în variantă autohtonă
Laurian Lungu Ordonanța de urgență 114/2018, adoptată la finele anului trecut, a suscitat multe reacții. În mare parte, acestea s-au concentrat pe impactul și oportunitatea măsurilor propuse în sectoarele vizate, cu precădere cel bancar, al pensiilor private și energetic. Însă, implicațiile textului legislativ sunt mai profunde. În fapt, ordonanța de urgență pare a fi o primă etapă în îndeplinirea unui obiectiv important menționat în programul de guvernare al actualei coaliții, și anume creșterea rolului statului în economie. Totodată, adâncește semnificativ breșa dintre rațiunea economică și cea politică prin ignorarea flagrantă a principiilor economice. Aceste episoade aduc de regulă, în timp, […]
A Technical Note on the Increase of Minimum Wages in Romania (English, Română)
Since 2012, an aggressive minimum wage (MW) policy has pushed up the level of MW from the equivalent of EUR 160 to EUR 410 in 2018. Current plans envisage further increases, to the equivalent of EUR 450 and EUR 500 respectively, for the holders of a university degree, starting December 2018. And MW could reach EUR 520 and EUR 580 for the holders of a university degree by October 2020. So far, MW rose at an annual rate of 21% over a 6-year time-span.
Foreign Investor Summit, October 30 – November 1, 2018
CPAG co-founder Laurian Lungu was a Panel Speaker at the 5th edition of the Foreign Investor Summit organised by Business Review on October 30 – November 1, 2018. The panel discussion topic was “Harnessing Romania’s Growth Future”. Laurian’s talk was centered around the main ideas derived from the “Va Urma” macroeconomic growth project, which he had helped develop together with the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) experts.
“The Financial Crisis – 10 Years Later” Debate, September 24, 2018
CPAG co-founder Laurian was a Panel Speaker at “The Financial Crisis – 10 Years Later” debate, organised by the National Bank of Romania on September 24, 2018.
Joining the Eurozone, A Jump in the Dark
During the Eurosfat Forum in 2018 Laurian delivered a presentation on the main challenges Romanian and some of the unknowns it will face considering the euro zone itself is going through a difficult period.
România și aderarea la zona euro: întrebarea este ÎN CE CONDIȚII!
Daniel Dăianu, Ella Viktoria Kállai, Gabriela Mihailovici, Aura Socol,
This study was prepared in 2016 under the coordination of Daniel Dăianu for the European Institute in Romania and looks at the economic prerequisites for joining the Euro zone.
When Should Romania Join the European Banking Union, Sooner or Later?
Laurian Lungu and Ella Kallai
This paper was prepared for the European Institute in Romania in 2015. Laurian and Ella argued following a thorough analysis, that in joining the Banking Union Romania should adopt a wait and see strategy and carefully weigh the pros and cons.
The Impact of EU Funds on Romanian Finances
Laurian Lungu, 2012
The primary aim of this paper is to look at the potential consequences an increase in the EU budget would have onto the size of the domestic budget deficits. As the simulations in this paper show, if the EU budget for the 2014-2020 period was adopted in the current form put forward by the European Commisson,