The Contribution of the Oil & Gas Industry to the Romanian Economy

The purpose of this analysis has been to quantify the impact of the oil & gas industry on the Romanian economy, in terms of its contribution to GDP, employment, investments and taxes paid. Given the “technology neutrality” option Romania has in meeting the 2030 climate targets, the results of the study could subsequently be used to aid policy design in the domestic oil and gas sector over the next decade. The results show that, despite the gradual decreasing importance of the oil & gas industry in the economy, the sector still remains an important contributor to Romania’s GDP growth. Oil […]

Considerații asupra politicii salariului minim în România

Studiul prezinta succint caracteristicile pietei fortei muncii din Romania si analizeaza elemente care influenteaza politica salariului minim (SM). Evalueaza posibile scenarii de crestere a acestuia in viitorul apropiat prin prisma dinamicii SM din ultima decada, luand in considerare si nivelul SM al tarilor din regiune sau proiectiile de crestere a SM din programele de guvernare. Analiza este efectuata la solicitarea și împreună cu Confederația Patronală Concordia.

Romania – The Macroeconomic Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis

In this analysis, Ella Kallai and Laurian Lungu look at the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Romanian economy. The paper starts by highlighting macroeconomic imbalances that existed prior to the crisis. It then assesses the impact on labor markets and economic sectors underscoring the consequences for public finances and country risk. Finally, the analysis addresses the fundamental issue of restarting the economy in the context of the European Green Deal. This analysis was prepared for the Energy Policy Group (EPG) as part of a European Climate Foundation grant.  Download the full analysis (EN) Descărcați analiza (RO)